151, Volcy de Senneville, 11205 Camp Chapelon, Port Louis, Mauritius

M-Kids Ignites Coding Passion in Oasis De Paix Students

M-Kids Ignites Coding Passion in Oasis De Paix Students

Pointe-aux-Sables, October 30, 2023: Over the past four transformative months, M-Kids has joined forces with the resilient students of Oasis de Paix, guiding them through the intricate world of coding and programming. Despite encountering a myriad of challenges, the commitment and perseverance displayed by these students have been truly exceptional, leading to the acquisition of highly sought-after coding certificates from EduCode Mauritius.

In today’s rapidly changing world, coding and programming skills have become essential for accessing new opportunities and breaking down the obstacles of poverty that often impede progress. Oasis de Paix, a sanctuary of learning, is dedicated to equipping students who have faced academic setbacks with the tools necessary for success in a rapidly changing world.

The journey embarked with many students not even knowing how to power up a laptop, manoeuvre a mouse, type a single line of code, or navigate the vast realm of the internet. The initial hurdles were immense, but the transformation has been profound.

In an inspiring address to the young aspirants, Ms Monique Leung, the Co-Founder and Director of Oasis de Paix, underscored the growing importance of these newly acquired skills in our ever-evolving global landscape. She also celebrated the certificates earned by the students, emphasising that they stand as powerful symbols of their unwavering determination. Ms Leung declared, “The fact that you have earned these certificates fills me with pride and serves as a testament to your relentless commitment and hard work.”

The partnership between M-Kids and Oasis de Paix has been both exciting and humbling. We extend deep gratitude to IQ-EQ for their crucial support in funding the IT Smartlab project. We also want to acknowledge our dedicated tutors, Mr Manasvee Caulleechurn and Mr Siddharta V. R., as well as EduCode Mauritius, the Oasis de Paix staff, and all the stakeholders who made this endeavour possible.

The IT Smartlab project has already reached and positively impacted the lives of 50 students. With unwavering commitment, the next two batches of eager learners will embark on their coding journey at Camp Chapelon and Vallée Pitot during the upcoming school holidays.

As we move forward, we are determined to continue our mission of empowering young minds and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow in the dynamic world of technology and innovation. Together, we will shape a brighter and more inclusive future.

The workshop focused on fostering self-motivation, teaching vulnerable children the importance of setting goals, embracing challenges, and persevering through obstacles to ignite their intrinsic motivation. Cultivating politeness emphasised the value of respect, empathy, and effective communication, enhancing their interactions and building positive relationships. Additionally, promoting good posture highlighted the impact on overall health, confidence, and physical well-being, providing a strong foundation for their growth and development.

These three areas are particularly vital for vulnerable children. By instilling self-motivation, children gain the resilience and determination needed to overcome challenges often associated with their circumstances. Cultivating politeness fosters empathy and respect, enabling them to build healthy relationships and thrive in their communities. Promoting good posture not only enhances physical well-being but also boosts confidence and self-esteem, empowering children to face life’s hurdles with poise.

The workshop sessions on self-motivation and politeness were skilfully animated by Ms Shazaa AGJ, while Ms Yasmine Muhammad, a yoga specialist, provided valuable insights on the health benefits of yoga and maintaining good posture. The children actively participated in the sessions and expressed their gratitude for the engaging and transformative experience.

M-Kids remains committed to empowering vulnerable children and nurturing their potential. Through workshops and initiatives like “Embarking on a Journey of Growth with Young Children,” the organisation continues to make a positive impact on the lives of these young individuals, providing them with the necessary tools to overcome challenges and achieve their dreams.

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