151, Volcy de Senneville, 11205 Camp Chapelon, Port Louis, Mauritius


As I look back on another year that has gone by, I cannot but realise what a wonderful year 2022 was. Sure, it came with its own set of challenges, but 2022 at M-Kids was marked largely by selflessness, generosity and a spirit of collaboration.

As life after Covid-19, or rather as we learn to adapt and live with Covid-19, and a semblance of normalcy start to reign in the country, I can affirm that M-Kids has been a pillar of support to numerous children. Individuals and families afflicted in oneway or another. M-Kids' commitment to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals to reverse poverty, fight against illiteracy, reduce hunger and inequalities among others, remains as strong as ever.

It would be remiss of me not to mention the noticeable drop in appeals by breadwinners in 2022 compared to the previous years. And this is a positive change that I hope will continue throughout the coming years.

However, the number of child beneficiaries did not decrease significantly. This year, we expect the number to increase as we welcome new beneficiaries from other regions of the country to our programmes.

We are also adding a few other projects in 2023 that will, hopefully, encourage our young beneficiaries to start thinking about the career paths they wish to embark on. I am proud to watch as our beneficiaries, especially our older ones, are growing up with a mindset to help and be of service. And I can say this confidently, every child who is with M-Kids is an educated child, fully aware of the world around them. And we do everything in our power to ensure they have a bright future.

Speaking of numbers, Our Education Programme reached approximately 2,158 beneficiaries ranging from 4 to 18 years old. We touched some 21,543 beneficiaries through our Poverty Alleviation Programme.

About 158 beneficiaries (including a few parents) had at least one session with the psychologists). And our newly implemented Youth and the Environment Programme now consists of 11 beneficiaries.

Once again, it is my pleasure to present the M-Kids' Annual Report 2022 to you. It is a testimony of the phenomenal work that we have been doing.

On behalf of everyone at M-Kids, I would like to take this opportunity express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported us and encouraged us.

Your financial donations, your time, your efforts, your prayers and your good thoughts have carried us here. And we will continue to work to build a better community, a better country. Life in Mauritius will only get better when all stakeholders ranging from the highest government officials to the simple occasional volunteer strive together for positive change.

The best people are those who are most beneficial to the people

Mohammad Arshad Joomun

Arshad, also known as Imaam Arshad, is exceptionally driven, goal-oriented, and a man of remarkable strengths and broad interests. The existence of the M-Kids Association came about when Arshad and a group of friends were alarmed by the influence of drugs in the local community in 2002. He and a group of friends then started organising awareness campaigns, activities and remedial classes to assist vulnerable and at-risk youths. The grassroots organisation gradually expanded and officially registered in 2010 as the M-Kids Association. Imaam Arshad also served as President and then Vice-President of the Camp Chapelon Community Centre for seven years, then Assistant President of the National Youth Against Drug Addiction for nine years, and was the official Trainer in Leadership Skills, Peace Programme and Capacity Building. Imaam Arshad has been a valuable Member of the Council of Religions since 2013. At M-Kids, he is currently the Director and Head of the Poverty Alleviation Programme.

Among the many awards and accolades he has received are:
Winner of NGO Award 2020, For improving our Social Indicators, powered by MAAAJ
Winner of ‘Men of the Year 2020’, Most Impactful Man, Charity, Voluntary & Humanitarian
Winner of ‘Men of the Year 2019’, Men Superachiever, Charity, Voluntary & Humanitarian
Winner of NGO Leadership and Global Leadership & Excellence Award 2019, by the World CSR Congress
Winner of the Healthcare Award 2018, by the World CSR Congress
Winner of the African NGO Leadership Award 2018, by the World CSR Congress
International Volunteer Day 2014, Awarded 3rd Prize for Voluntary Social Work at National Level by Mauritius Council of Youth Leaders
International Volunteer Day 2013, Awarded 2nd Prize for Voluntary Social Work at National Level by Mauritius Council of Youth Leaders