151, Volcy de Senneville, 11205 Camp Chapelon, Port Louis, Mauritius


M-Kids’ ARP has been operating for over three years, helping more than 600 unique students and impacting many more lives.

Why ARP?

The remedial programme is designed to assist young children who are seriously falling behind in their classes and need additional help with their education.
Post-Covid, we’ve noticed a severe issue where beneficiaries, especially those who did not have access to a device (computer, smartphone, etc.) during the lockdown, were severely behind in their studies.

On top of that, prices had drastically increased, and the unemployment rate had soared, severely impacting parents’ or guardians’ ability to assist their children. This renewed M-Kids’ commitment to continue providing vulnerable children with remedial classes, empowering every child with a solid educational background.

The ARP consists of basic numeracy and literacy modules (English, French, Maths) known as Key Stage I (Grade II & III), Key Stage II (Grade IV & V) and Enhancement Programme (Grade VIII & IX), which gather students with reduced basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Students are given personal attention, and their performance is closely monitored by the teachers and the Head of the Educational Programme.

Other classes under ARP are History and Geography, Environment, Science, Moral Values, and ICT.

Our educational programmes keep young children and teenagers off the streets, empowering them to distinguish peer pressure, negative and positive influences, and character-building opportunities.

The programme is a successful initiative against illiteracy and juvenile delinquency.

The use of Technology in Remedial Classes

Additionally, vulnerable children with little to no access to technology can use technological devices in our classes to familiarise themselves with computers.

Bridging the digital divide is one of our goals as we move forward.

No education is complete without knowing how to operate a computer and navigate the cyber world. Technology has become a key factor for success in the modern world.

Technology is an indispensable tool—a requirement that will serve our young beneficiaries for life. It’s a tool that empowers young children and provides them with the skills they need to break out of the digital abyss.

Register Your Child As A Beneficiary

To register your child as a beneficiary, get in touch with us via our contact form

At the moment, we have one learning centre located at Camp Chapelon. In 2023, M-Kids expects to welcome at least 50 more students to its remedial classes.

Registered students will benefit from multiple activities with M-Kids, including outings, regular hot meals, workshops, gifts, sittings with the psychologist, etc.

Every child is unique. That’s why we make it a must to provide opportunities for the children to educate themselves beyond our brick-and-mortar classrooms.

The learning styles of our beneficiaries are as unique as our children’s. Some children may study better by reading, others by watching, and some are auditory learners, while another style we see is kinaesthetic learners. Kinaesthetic learners use all their senses to process information. And the best way to learn is by immersing themselves in the topic.

The measure of educational success is often based on comprehension and memory. However, at M-Kids, we are trying to engage the children by sparking their interest by exposing them to various situations to teach them about important matters and topics, such as climate change, the natural habitat of animals, the ocean and nature in general.

M-Kids’ Experiential Learning helps all children of different capabilities by immersing them in different environments for hands-on, more vivid learning experiences and exposure to the real world.

Being outdoors expands the worldview of our children and helps shape their future!

At the beginning of every school year, M-Kids donate essential school materials to vulnerable children to support their education around Mauritius.

It is the right of every child to have an education.

Education gives children the foundation they need to help them in life, whether it is a formal education in the form of literacy and numeracy or basic life skills, such as social and communication skills, which are just as important. They are also exposed to fresh concepts and encouraged to develop social behaviours, such as empathy, friendship, respect, etc.

Schools are essential for a child’s growth and development as they help children channel their energy into positive action through different classes and activities.

A solid education will help children break out of generational poverty and give them the tool they need to succeed.

Please get in touch with us if you want to donate school items such as school bags, notebooks, pencils, pens, school uniforms, etc.

M-Kids regularly organises capacity-building workshops with beneficiaries of all age groups, volunteers, staff members, and partner associations or charities with similar objectives.

The workshops aim at increasing the participants’ knowledge about a specific topic, developing a particular skill, raising awareness, and providing them with opportunities to ignite their sense of curiosity and imagination.

Benefits of Participating in M-Kids’ Workshops

Beneficiaries who participate in M-Kids’ workshops will enjoy the following:

- Regular Talks with Professionals

Professionals from different fields come and have regular talks with participants. Lawyers, doctors, teachers, psychologists and so on have the chance to sit down and talk to the children about various issues and raise awareness on specific topics.

- Developing A Responsible Mindset

During the workshop, the participants are given specific tasks to ensure the workshop runs smoothly.

Participants are encouraged to contribute and are frequently assigned age-appropriate tasks, such as cleaning up after themselves, helping to set the table, packing their bags, or following a set schedule.

- Children-led Activities

Older participants are often tasked with leading some aspects of a workshop. For instance, they are encouraged to plan games and fun activities for the younger ones or organise a meal or short play by themselves.

Participants are encouraged to gradually take on positions that allow them to make decisions at various levels.

As a result, M-Kids now have seven former beneficiaries fully involved in the organisation as volunteers, staff members, and board members!

Our dream is to raise a generation of strong and responsible individuals capable of leading the nation one day.

 - Empowering Children and Youths

Our workshops empower our children and youths through impactful education and awareness, giving them a voice, discouraging racism and racial or religious stereotypes, creating a positive environment and encouraging them to work towards positive and rewarding goals.

- Skill Development

The best time to develop a child’s skillset is when they are still developing. Their brain, at this age, is wired to absorb knowledge in all its forms, languages and skills.

Therefore, M-Kids’ workshops are designed to teach the children various skills, such as cooking, communication, presentation, drawing, organisational, leadership, problem-solving, IT-related skills, and so on.

Each workshop is guaranteed to teach beneficiaries something that will serve them for life!

- Break Away From Routine

To ensure that our workshops are a complete success, we usually bring the children on a short trip to a selected hotel or bungalow. This also gives our beneficiaries a chance to benefit from visiting different parts of the island.

We want to highlight that many of our beneficiaries are from humble backgrounds and may not have the means to stay at a simple bungalow or hotel.

Our workshops are organised in such a way that the participants have time to learn something new, have occasional sit-downs with a psychologist or a psychotherapist, practise their hobby, enjoy dinner, have a study circle, exercise, meditate in nature, walk on the beach, bond with their friends, and so on.

The well-rounded workshops create a positive environment for the children to thrive. It is also a short break away from their mechanical, often stressful lives to re-energise.

Beneficiaries registered with M-Kids are automatically invited to attend workshops organised by the Association.